Wednesday, July 21, 2010

spoiled rotten

We were spoiled by another visit from Mimi, and this time Poppie was in tow. They stopped in Lubbock on their way back to Little Rock after spending a week hiking and exploring out west. We love having visitors and Presley is always happy to show off any and all of her new tricks. Mimi swears she has changed in the three weeks since her last visit. We made the most of their 3 day visit by shopping, playing and enjoying all the special things living with a rambunctious 16 month old brings.

Water balloons!

Rocking on her new rocker from IKEA.
Yes, she's wearing the Huggies limited edition jean diapers.

Summer pic of the fam.

I think it might be cooler in July than it was in June.

Came across these at Wal-Mart. They are HUGE marshmallows. I was so tempted to buy them.

A new toy courtesy of Mimi and Poppie!

And there they go in the tub.

Makes for a cute do.

Enjoying an icee at Target.

Monday, July 12, 2010

picture post

4th of July fun.

In her get-away car.

Crashed out on the couch.

Crashed out in the car on the way to Ft. Worth.

Checking out Ava and Macy's chairs, Goldilocks?

All smiles.

Big grin while playing at the mall.

Not so sure about the carousel.

Big girls.


Out for a morning ride.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

girls, girls, girls

While mom was visiting, we got our annual girls pictures taken. With Presley on the move, this was no easy task. They usually take 30 pictures per session and I think we had to stop at around 19 pictures because Presley kept running off.