Thursday, February 26, 2015

snow way

On Saturday, February 14, the temps reached the low 70's and we took off to Hot Springs, AR to enjoy a beautiful day at Oaklawn Park Race Track. Little did we know that we would spend the next two weeks battling inclement weather. Over the last 8 week days, the kids have gone to school 2 days! We've had ice, sleet, freezing rain and big puffy snow. It's been fun (sort of) but I think almost every parent in town is ready for spring. The kids missed a total of 5 days of school which means they will be in school until at least June 11th! It's all fun in the snow until it comes time to make up all those days. Here are some pictures of all our snow day adventures.

At the races.

 At least we had left over Valentine's candy to keep us happy.

Fun with magnets.  
 When life gives you fluffy snow, make snow cones.

Snow day #5 has these 2 little monkeys jumping on the bed

Thursday, February 12, 2015

picture post

How you like them posts?!? 3 in one week! Now I am totally off the hook for the rest of the month, right?

I've been skipping the gym lately and have been opting to get my cardio by hiking up Pinnacle Mountain. The view is so much better than a TV screen.

 Jon & I at the Florida Georgia Line concert.

 An epic fort and a daddy who wanted to watch the Razorback game on TV.

 We went on a double date and it was the girls pick to go to a batting cage. I think my form is very similar to Jon's, don't you?

 Presley's Girl Scout troop on their visit to the fire station.

The Father/Daughter dance at school.

 That white thing in the corner of the yard is Winston working on his tummy tan.

 It's valentine time.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

lots and lots (and lots) of the same picture

I had to get a picture of my kids for something (announcement coming soon - and just so no one gets the wrong idea, we are NOT having another baby!). The theme was standing at the door waving and acting out a "friendly "hey y'all''"" (is that punctuation correct?!?) I have never appreciated professional photographers more as I desperately tried to get one decent shot.

excuse me january, where did you go?

Yes, yes, I know...I've been slacking on the blogging lately. There's no one to blame but myself, and now I it's going to take more time to catch everyone up than it would have to just post as all this happened. Here goes...

Over the Martin Luther King, Jr holiday, we took a trip to Frisco for some cousin time. We got to town just in time for Presley to walk with Aunt Brooke and Aubrey to meet the girls at school (yes, I said walk. Insert totally jealously that Ava and Macy go to school within walking distance of their house!). We had a great time and loved meeting the newest member of the family, Oliver, the 3 pound maltipoo (sorry there's no picture because he's adorable).

All gathered around the iPad.
Fun at the Mexican restaurant.
By coincidence, my mom was in Friso visiting with my aunt. They were staying at a hotel very close to Ben & Brooke's house so the kids got to go swimming on Saturday afternoon.

Presley sold Girl Scout cookies for the first time.
Her goal was to sell 300 boxes and she did it (thanks Mimi!!)