Sunday, July 31, 2011

picture post

Rockin' the pigtails for the first time.

 The effects of living in a home with tile flooring.

 What little brother does all day.

 Presley loves to hold Landon.

 Such a sweet big sister.

I took about 10 of these before I managed to capture the "smile".

Monday, July 25, 2011


Major Life-Changing Event Crammed Into One Summer #4


The move was slightly tragic but things are finally settling down. We totally filled the 26 foot truck, plus all 5 cars and a tow trailer AND my dad and Jon's dad had to drive back to Lubbock with a pick up and the tow trailer to get the final load!! Needless to say, we moved a lot of stuff. It's all here and all the big things are in their place so now it's just maintaining some sort of motivation to get the rest put away. Presley and Landon have been troopers. When we got into town, the AC in the house was broken and it was 90 degrees. We had to camp out in a hotel room the first night but were able to move in on Saturday night. Another snag, the water heater and stove are gas so we couldn't get the gas turned on for 3 days so it was showers at the hotel as well. MADNESS! Everything is different. After everything having it's "place" for the last 5 years, it's been a bit of an adjustment finding new homes for things. Here's to our quick stay in Albuquerque and the adventures that await us.
 The only dirt for Winston to do his business. Everything else is rocks.
Living in a gated community.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Major Life-Changing Event Crammed Into One Summer #3


Landon is one week old. He has been the best, most adaptive baby. We were discharged from the hospital late Tuesday afternoon and headed to Albuquerque on Friday. He is eating and sleeping like a champ. We took him to the pediatrician yesterday and he was back up to his birth weight and got a clean bill of health.

 Ready either way.

 Mimi & Poppie


 3 generations of Wyatt men.
We weren't sure we were ever going to be able to say that.

 Another sibling for Winston.

 Fairy Godmother Aurora

Landon's first bath at the Hampton Inn in Albuquerque.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

the littlest wyatt

The long wait is over and we proudly introduce the newest Wyatt...

Mr. Landon West Wyatt

Born on 7/11/11 at 2:49 pm
Weighing in at 7 pounds 13 ounces and measuring 19 1/2 inches long

Looking back at the detailed post I wrote after Presley's birth, Landon will get far less coverage but who needs to be wordy when you can sum up his birth in one word? PERFECT!

6:30 am
Jon and I checked into the hospital. They had had a very quite night and had our bed ready and waiting.

8:00 am
They began the pitocin which helps contractions begin.

1:30 pm
Bring on the epidural.

2:45 pm
Test push with the nurse to make sure we were really ready to go. After the first little push, she had to say "woahhh".

2:48 pm
Contraction. 3 pushes.
Nurse: "It looks like a girl."
Jon and Dr. Casanova simultaneously: "It's a BOY!"

Everything went so perfectly this time and Landon is absolutely beautiful. See for yourself...

Getting the word out.

A family of 4.

Time with big sister.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

< 24 hours to go

We are scheduled to be induced on Monday morning at 6:30 am. It's been a little weird having the "D" day set. Jon and I spent most of the weekend packing and saying goodbye to folks who wouldn't be around this week. My folks got into town early this morning and Jon's crew will be here tomorrow.

Here's how I spent my last afternoon as a preggo lady...

I was given a massage certificate a while back and finally used it a few weeks ago. I must have been fresh on their client list because I got a call on Saturday that some therapists needed their continuing education credit so I cashed in on a free 1-hour mother-to-be massage. What a treat!

A pedi was a must!
Luckily Aurora felt the same level of importance and joined me.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

big sister love

Although the new baby isn't here yet (see below for the latest update), Presley completed her first Big Sister task this afternoon. Pres is very attached to her lovie which is a pink bunny head with an attached blanket. I thought it would be fun if she could pick out a special lovie for the new baby. Jon, P and I headed to a baby store this afternoon and found a 1/2 sale on the lovies which only left us two styles to choose from. I thought the brown, spotted dog would surely be her choice but she was sold on a blue bear (maybe she knows something we don't). She brought the new lovie home and carefully put it in the hospital bag. I can't wait to experience the moment when Presley can give her little brother/sister the special lovie.

Baby update:
I saw the doctor last Monday and there were no signs that baby Wyatt was ready to join the world. I have my next appointment this Thursday morning and we are hoping things will have progressed some what. I am planning on asking the doctor to induce us on Friday night. We'll keep everyone posted.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

2 and a half women

June means it's time for the annual girls photo session. It's fun to watch how much Presley has changed, not only physically but personality wise since we started taking these pictures. She does great at listening to what the photographer tells her to do and usually we can get a realistic smile out of her. Here's to our last session of just us 3.