Monday, July 25, 2011


Major Life-Changing Event Crammed Into One Summer #4


The move was slightly tragic but things are finally settling down. We totally filled the 26 foot truck, plus all 5 cars and a tow trailer AND my dad and Jon's dad had to drive back to Lubbock with a pick up and the tow trailer to get the final load!! Needless to say, we moved a lot of stuff. It's all here and all the big things are in their place so now it's just maintaining some sort of motivation to get the rest put away. Presley and Landon have been troopers. When we got into town, the AC in the house was broken and it was 90 degrees. We had to camp out in a hotel room the first night but were able to move in on Saturday night. Another snag, the water heater and stove are gas so we couldn't get the gas turned on for 3 days so it was showers at the hotel as well. MADNESS! Everything is different. After everything having it's "place" for the last 5 years, it's been a bit of an adjustment finding new homes for things. Here's to our quick stay in Albuquerque and the adventures that await us.
 The only dirt for Winston to do his business. Everything else is rocks.
Living in a gated community.

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