Wednesday, December 31, 2014

cookies, cookies and Christmas

Is it sad to realize that I have more pictures of the kids making cookies for Santa than I actually have of the Christmas Day festivities? The last day of school was December 19 and I honestly thought the week leading up to Christmas would be a slow, relaxing one...WRONG! We were so busy with playdates, sleepovers at Mimi and Poppie's, wrapping and last minute shopping that before we knew it it was Christmas Eve, and we were in a rush to get everything in before Santa required us all to be tucked sung in our beds. Seeing as I feel that 2014 has been the fastest year ever, I shouldn't have been surprised at the speed with which the last few days have passed. Here's a lot of pictures of us making cookies, and a few from Christmas Day.

Most of these second cousins on Jon's side of the family have never laid eyes on one another. It took them about 15 minutes to come out of their shells and in into each others laps.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

tis the season to be...busy

I thought I might be able to say that I historically have less posts in December but looking back over the past 6 years, that has not been the case...guess that just means that I have really stunk at blogging this month. Surprise, surprise!

Mailing our letter to Santa at Bass Pro Shop.
On our list this year...a Go Go Dog.

Presley's Girl Scout troop participated in the downtown Christmas parade. The girls had a great time and loved all the attention.

I took Landon to lunch at Presley's school. He was definitely the center of attention.
Even Presley acted like she liked him.

After 21 years, Garth Brooks made it back to Little Rock for a concert. It was well worth the wait.

Tree Stump has been up to no good lately.

Presley insisted I bring her and her friends her favorite pizza to school for the Christmas Party.

Taking a family stroll across the river bridge.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

give thanks

We had a great Thanksgiving. For the first time, school was out for the entire week so the kids and I had a loooong vacation to get through, I mean enjoy. Jon was on call Thanksgiving day but finished up at the hospital in time to join us for lunch. Ben, Brooke, Ava, Macy and Aubrey made the trip to Arkansas for some Team Cousin time. The week actually flew by as we baked, played, and gave thanks for the many blessings in our lives.

Our baking playdate.
The kids made Thanksgiving sweets to donate to the Salvation Army.

Riding the downtown trolley after dropping off the treats.

Presley is thankful for some pretty great things.
Team Cousins!
Silly faces!
We took the kids to the park on Saturday and there were a million leaves to pile up and play with. Ava, Macy and Aubrey don't have the pleasure of seeing this many leaves where they live in Texas.
Tree Stump is back!