Monday, December 1, 2008

behind again

I have been so bad about keeping up with the blog lately that even Jon mentioned something about my lack of posts. The fact that he noticed means I must really be behind.

In chronological order...

We have done lots of work in the nursery and are close to having things wrapped up minus the reason for the nursery itself which won't be here for another 13 weeks. Seeing as it's only December 1 and I already feel the tug of holiday obligations, I appreciate being so far ahead.

Thanksgiving was wonderful. Jon was on call Thanksgiving Day so I really appreciated having my mom and dad down to keep me company. We made all the traditional fixin's and Jon was even able to sneak home to scarf down a quick plate of food before his pager beckoned him back to the hospital. I was able to stay in pajamas all day which definitely helped when it came to massive food consumption. It was an early night for me as my alarm buzzed me awake at 5:20 a.m. to get ready for my Black Friday duties. Shopping? I wish. Actually, I would never consider shopping that early, but it might have been more exciting than standing down in a mall food aisle telling person after person what time the shopping spree drawing began.

We spent the rest of the weekend assembling a new bed for the guest room, making a contraption to keep all the bows that Baby Wyatt already owns, watching football, and running around the corn maize.

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