Wednesday, February 4, 2009

the waiting game

Today was the first time Dr. Casanova checked my cervix and it's a good thing he did. How else would I have known just how close I was to not having this baby. My cervix is still closed and dilation is holding steady at zero. I can't really complain as I am still 3 weeks out, even if I did make a point to deliver retailer newsletters this morning, which required me to spend 1 1/2 hours walking around the mall. My feet are starting to swell which I can't complain about either as I have managed to avoid this ugly side of pregnancy thus far. I was the 3rd patient this afternoon to mention the swelling so at least I am not alone. I managed to put on another 3 pounds but seeing as I am sure my ankles must now weigh a pound each that is right on target. My Strep B test came back negative so at least I was able to leave the appointment with a shred of positive news.
Until next week...

1 comment:

The Campbell's said...

The waiting game is always fun. You sound like me with both of my boys. I was never dilated or effaced and I carried full-term with both! On the positive side, the longer that baby stays in there the better.