Monday, August 24, 2009

manic monday

Not much new to report this week. We are back in Lubbock and in our normal routine. Presley slept 9 hours on Friday night and I spent at least 2 of those hours with my ear glued to the monitor waiting for her to make a sound. We are eating like a champ these days. She likes sweet potatoes and squash way more than yucky rice cereal. This week we are on to peas. Our first green veggie...I'll let you know how it goes. She has been showing a lot of signs of cutting teeth lately, so we might be seeing some pearly whites soon.

Toes are our new favorite thing to eat.

In our new hooded robe.

Eating the wall...don't ask me.

Eating the knob on the DVD player...again, don't ask me.

1 comment:

The Campbell's said...

Defintely cutting teeth. They eat everything in sight, trust me on that one...