Friday, September 16, 2011

tales from the trip

The kids and I made the trip to Little Rock last week for a wedding and a nice long visit with family. We had to leave Jon in Albuquerque to work and take care of Winston. I was more than anxious about taking both of them on a plane all by myself but we had an early flight and everything was on time which made for a relatively painless trip. Our last trip to Little Rock was last Thanksgiving so it was nice to be back and visit with family and friends. Everyone wanted to see Landon and Presley did a great job interacting with people she only sees a few times a year. I got a little spoiled having 2 sets of grandparents to help me with the kids. It definitely reassured me that with family is the place to be. Enjoy lots of pictures from our trip!  

 Presley's first time to fly with her own seat.

The purpose of our trip was to attend the wedding of one of my high school friends. This was Presley's first wedding and she was mesmerized by the bride, aka the Princess. Both she and Landon did great during the ceremony and ended up making it almost through the entire reception.

 The best seat in the house.

 What a face!

 Me with my two Sara(h)'s.

 Me and Tricia.

 "Dancing" with Riley the ring bearer (Tricia's son).

 Chowing down on a cake pop.

 Hanging with Great Uncle Steve.


 Building a "castle". She couldn't get enough of these blocks.
We have a set at home but mama gets tired of picking them up so they don't come out very often.

 Pres and Riley.

 Riley, Presley and Sophie.

 Pres riding Ollie. A toy from when I was a kid.


 There's a smile.

 Playing store at The Wonder Place.

 Catching bubbles.

 Paw Paw couldn't get enough of Mr. Landon.

 One of the few times Grammy got to hold him.

Thank you, thank you very much!

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