Wednesday, July 13, 2011

the littlest wyatt

The long wait is over and we proudly introduce the newest Wyatt...

Mr. Landon West Wyatt

Born on 7/11/11 at 2:49 pm
Weighing in at 7 pounds 13 ounces and measuring 19 1/2 inches long

Looking back at the detailed post I wrote after Presley's birth, Landon will get far less coverage but who needs to be wordy when you can sum up his birth in one word? PERFECT!

6:30 am
Jon and I checked into the hospital. They had had a very quite night and had our bed ready and waiting.

8:00 am
They began the pitocin which helps contractions begin.

1:30 pm
Bring on the epidural.

2:45 pm
Test push with the nurse to make sure we were really ready to go. After the first little push, she had to say "woahhh".

2:48 pm
Contraction. 3 pushes.
Nurse: "It looks like a girl."
Jon and Dr. Casanova simultaneously: "It's a BOY!"

Everything went so perfectly this time and Landon is absolutely beautiful. See for yourself...

Getting the word out.

A family of 4.

Time with big sister.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like your dream labor!! Yay for you and the family! So excited for you!!