Sunday, September 16, 2012

30 days of pinterest: day 16


Some people (my mom and mother-in-law) can probably sew without using straight pins but I have to have them. The trouble with using them is they always seem to be everywhere! I have magnetic pin cushions, wrist pin cushions, tomato pin cushions, ok, I think that's all I have. Anyway, I saw this post and immediately had to add it to my cushion collection.

The credit:

The process:
As every sewing machine is different, I was on my own when it came to the size to cut my fabric. My first attempt resulted in a cushion that was way too tall. I cut it down and ended up with the perfect size for my machine.

The change:
No changes.

The checkbook:
All supplies on hand. $0

The bottom line:
This is a you're going to use it idea. I can't wait to be sewing along with my trusty sewing machine pin cushion by my side.

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