Lubbock experienced 8+ inches of rain in less than 24 hours. Thanks Tropical Depression Lowell. The Mayor issued a State of Emergency and all the schools closed. And I thought it was a joke when the schools in Little Rock closed for a few flakes! We are slowly drying out. Even with all the rain, it was a football weekend and football must go on.
Jon and I are really enjoying our season Tech Football tickets. We managed to get great seats a few days before the stadium was sold out. We are perfecting our game day routine and picking out our favorite usually forbidden concessions. I am getting ready to be one of those fans who lugs around a seat cushion because Baby Wyatt isn't going to tolerate the metal seats too much longer. Speaking of Baby Wyatt, I have my next doctor's appointment on October 1 to finally meet my actual doctor. We are having a bit of an issue with our appointment times/days but hopefully things will work out. I tried to find a doctor who saw OB patients in the afternoons so Jon would have the best chance of being able to join us once and a while and we were all set with a doctor who was in the office on Friday afternoons. Key word in that last sentence, "
were". I got a letter on Friday saying he was now working on Wednesday mornings only. Bummer!