Thursday, September 29, 2011

snips and snails and puppy dog tails...

that's what little boys are made of.

Time for a post dedicated to our second born. Landon is well into his second month of life and we fall more in love with him everyday. He sleeps from 11 pm - 7 am most nights which makes mama very happy! He eats every 2-3 hours during the day and takes one 4-5 hour nap (another big smile from mama). He gets a little needy in the evenings after we put Presley to bed but who can blame him for wanting a little one-on-one time. He is such a sweet boy and really loves to watch his big sister run around. He still spits up like crazy, hence all the tie bibs, but that's the worst of it. He is the perfect addition to our family. We love our Landon! 

 Hanging with mom.
This is not an approved way to use this thing but it seemed to make him happy.

 He has found his thumb and LOVES it.

 Here's "Mr. Star".
Presley loved this thing. I'm not sure Landon feels the same just yet.

 Getting a little outdoor time after dinner.

Baby blues.

Here are some numbers from his 2-month appointment.
Weight: 12 lbs 4 oz (56%) 
Length: 23 3/4 in (43%)
Head: 16 in (46%)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


A few posts ago, I made the mistake of saying that college football was the reason I loved this time of year. On my weekly trip to Wal-Mart, I was reminded of why I truly love this time of year...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

my fair lady

Jon & I loaded up the kids for a trip to the New Mexico State Fair. I couldn't wait to get my hands on some typical fair food and I knew Presley would love all the people and lights. We were not disappointed. The sky looked like it was about to open up and pour on us when we were parking the car but the rain held off and we enjoyed a fun-filled night. I was a little sad that my favorite cheese-on-a-stick was not offered at this fair but managed to survive on twisted tators, a corn dog and a funnel cake (sacrifice I know!). Presley was just tall enough (36") to ride the kiddie rides. She LOVED them! She was so brave and didn't even hesitate when it came time to sit next to strangers. Here's to the start of a great fall! 

 Having a chat with the cow.

 Watching the Chinese acrobats.

 Landon seemed to like all the loud music.

 The boy sitting with Pres looks a little scared of her don't you think?!?

 Mom got to go on this ride!

 A friendly wave.

 This was by far her favorite. She'll be talking about the "airplanes" for weeks!

A funnel cake a la mode? Where do they come up with this stuff?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

lower standards

I came home with a new pair of shoes and remembered a pair a bought last year that were similar in sparkle but slightly different in style. Oh, how things change...



Friday, September 16, 2011

tales from the trip

The kids and I made the trip to Little Rock last week for a wedding and a nice long visit with family. We had to leave Jon in Albuquerque to work and take care of Winston. I was more than anxious about taking both of them on a plane all by myself but we had an early flight and everything was on time which made for a relatively painless trip. Our last trip to Little Rock was last Thanksgiving so it was nice to be back and visit with family and friends. Everyone wanted to see Landon and Presley did a great job interacting with people she only sees a few times a year. I got a little spoiled having 2 sets of grandparents to help me with the kids. It definitely reassured me that with family is the place to be. Enjoy lots of pictures from our trip!  

 Presley's first time to fly with her own seat.

The purpose of our trip was to attend the wedding of one of my high school friends. This was Presley's first wedding and she was mesmerized by the bride, aka the Princess. Both she and Landon did great during the ceremony and ended up making it almost through the entire reception.

 The best seat in the house.

 What a face!

 Me with my two Sara(h)'s.

 Me and Tricia.

 "Dancing" with Riley the ring bearer (Tricia's son).

 Chowing down on a cake pop.

 Hanging with Great Uncle Steve.


 Building a "castle". She couldn't get enough of these blocks.
We have a set at home but mama gets tired of picking them up so they don't come out very often.

 Pres and Riley.

 Riley, Presley and Sophie.

 Pres riding Ollie. A toy from when I was a kid.


 There's a smile.

 Playing store at The Wonder Place.

 Catching bubbles.

 Paw Paw couldn't get enough of Mr. Landon.

 One of the few times Grammy got to hold him.

Thank you, thank you very much!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Major Life-Changing Events Crammed Into One Summer #6

So I thought we were done with these but with all of the other life-changing events crammed into one summer this seemed to get forgotten. I have been in Little Rock for a few days and when I called to check in with Jon he told me he was celebrating. Why? Because...


He is now a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon. We are so proud of him!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

if at first you don't succeed

I am a sucker for food and craft projects. If I fail at my first attempt, I will usually try, try again, even if it's to the detriment of my sanity. I found a recipe for homemade fruit leather, i.e. fruit roll-ups. It looked so easy and strawberries were on sale so I gave it a go last Friday. By the time I threw in the towel 6 hours later, I had a big sticky mess on my hands and no fruit rolls ups. After pondering the process for a few days, and realizing there actually is a difference between parchment and wax paper, I talked myself into giving it another try. I looked up alternative recipes and made a few changes to my original plan and managed to succeed. Like most DIY food things I try, it's way easier (and cheaper) to just buy it.