Wednesday, September 7, 2011

if at first you don't succeed

I am a sucker for food and craft projects. If I fail at my first attempt, I will usually try, try again, even if it's to the detriment of my sanity. I found a recipe for homemade fruit leather, i.e. fruit roll-ups. It looked so easy and strawberries were on sale so I gave it a go last Friday. By the time I threw in the towel 6 hours later, I had a big sticky mess on my hands and no fruit rolls ups. After pondering the process for a few days, and realizing there actually is a difference between parchment and wax paper, I talked myself into giving it another try. I looked up alternative recipes and made a few changes to my original plan and managed to succeed. Like most DIY food things I try, it's way easier (and cheaper) to just buy it.

1 comment:

The Cornelisons said...

Awesome! It's cheaper, but does it give you as many gray hairs if you buy it?