Sunday, September 4, 2011

game day

Are you ready for some football!?!? College football has to be my favorite sport. I'm not sure why because it's not like I could quote you stats and game day highlights. Maybe it's because college football ushers in fall which is definitely my favorite season. I love this time of year when the weather starts to change and food becomes especially yummy. All that being said, there's something this year brings that doesn't exactly thrill me. I am now a football widow. It's similar to many Arkansas women who find themselves all alone once hunting season starts. The fellowship program at UNM comes with the perk of getting to be on the sideline at all the home football games. Jon is right there in the thick of it ready to attend to any injuries that occur during the game. I am fascinated by this role and fired off tons of questions after last nights game. I almost couldn't contain myself when he told me he got to come out of the tunnel after all the players ran out! While I am a little bummed that he will be MIA every Saturday, I am so excited for him to have this, in my opinion, super cool experience. Go LOBOS!

Ready to outfit the family.

I interrupted Landon's lunch  for this picture which is why he is less than happy.

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