Monday, April 26, 2010

hey dude

One of Jon's coworkers has some ranch property in Mason, TX southeast of Lubbock that is absolutely beautiful. Jon and I have been down there a few times but it was time for Presley to get a peek. We left Friday afternoon and spent the weekend 4-wheeling, eating great food, sitting around a campfire and getting extra dirty. Presley did great and it was such a treat watching her delve into her new surroundings.

Presley and Daddy ready for a fun-filled day.

The grass was almost as tall as Presley.

The Texas Bluebonnets were so pretty.

Wish I could have gotten her to look at the camera. She was way too interested in the flowers.

Out for an afternoon stroll.

Kisses for Maddie, the North's dog. Winston doesn't get the same kind of attention from P.

There were several cows on the property to greet us.

The Wyatt's.

Some love for Nalla, the other North dog. Winston is still waiting for his love.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

a little something about a Wyatt other than Presley

A majority of my posts revolve around Presley but here's some news I had to share about another family member. Jon decided a while back he wanted to specialize in orthopedic sports medicine. This specialization would require an additional year of training and unfortunately there aren't any opportunities to receive that training in Lubbock or Little Rock so we knew we would have to move somewhere new. He spent most of the winter interviewing all over the country and we found out on Tuesday that we are headed to...Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was his first choice so we are both super excited he was chosen to join the program in August 2011. I will keep everyone updated on things as we spend the upcoming year preparing for our next adventure.

Monday, April 12, 2010

girls gone wild

Presley and I took a trip to Colorado to visit Tricia and Riley. We had such a great time playing, eating and seeing the beautiful sights of Boulder. It was a lot of fun watching P and R interact. Riley is just learning to crawl and Presley is a full time walker so I stayed busy keeping P from running over R. Flying with a 13 month old proved to be a little trying but we all survived, including the lady I elbowed in the head while trying to get my bag into the overhead compartment.

Presley offering Riley her hand in the car.

Riley's toy box...Presley loved to get in and out of it.

Playing in downtown Boulder.

Help Presley up Riley.

More toy box fun.

Presley's first trip to the zoo.

Too much zoo.

Mommy and P and the Colorado mountains.

BFF's with kids.

Rock on Presley!

Pole dancing in the Vegas airport.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter fun

We had such a great Easter weekend. Egg hunts, live bunnies and lots of smiles. Presley is walking full time now which made my job of keeping up with her much harder. The weather looks like it's finally warming up which means lots of outdoor activities for the Wyatt's.

Hunting for eggs at Mom's Day Out.

I love the look on her face. Somebody stole my egg.

Music making time.

Checking out Winston's house.

A fashion trendsetter.

Petting the live bunny.

Better than her picture with Santa Clause.

Easter loot from Mimi and Poppie.

I heart Easter!

Ready for church.

So hard to get a picture of her looking at the camera with all the new toys.

I thought these were cutouts someone put in our window. Looks like we'll have some new additions to the family soon.

Easter loot from Daddy and Mommy.


No bunnies to feed so we'll take the carrots to the donkeys.

Here donkey.

Our indoor pool. It's supposed to be in the 90's this week so bring on the backyard swimming pool.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

do the bunny hop

Here are Presley's Easter pictures. I love the way she looks in blue!