I have failed my faithful blog readers (aka my mom) by not posting anything since November 9. So let's catch up...
We had our final ultrasound and Baby Wyatt managed to behave long enough for the tech to get the measurements we missed a few weeks ago. She did not behave, however, when mom and dad wanted a good 3D picture of her face. Here's what we ended up with...

My mom and I met in Dallas for our annual girl's shopping weekend. We had a great time shopping, eating and visiting with family. After two trips to an accessory store called Sam Moon, Baby Wyatt now owns over 50 bows. I sure hope she has hair!
While I was away accumulating more stuff, Jon was being a wonderful husband and sitting out in the cold having a garage sale so we could get rid of all the stuff that has been displaced due to the need for a nursery. He did a great job and it's so nice that most of our "trash" became the "treasure" of others.
We are slowly getting the nursery put together. Painting is next on our agenda and will hopefully be accomplished during the Thanksgiving Holiday.