Sorry for the delay in posting a report about our trip to Little Rock last week. Of all things, I forgot my camera so I had to borrow mom's for the week and then have her send me a disk of all the pictures. We had such a great time! Even though this was Presley's 3rd trip to Little Rock, this was the first time she was able to really explore the sights of the city. We ran non-stop the whole time. We visited lots of old friends, shopped at the Farmers' Market, played at Pinnacle Mountain, and were totally spoiled by family. Here is a photo review of our trip.
Having fun on Mimi and Poppie's screened-in porch.
Rockin' with Mimi.
Trying honeysuckle for the first time. Love my tongue hanging out.

Family Photo #1

Mother's Day family photo.

Mother's Day.

At Scott Street, where mommy and daddy lived after college.

What a face? Did Grammy teach you to do that?

Sittin' on the steps with Grammy.

Up to no good.

Chef Presley.

At Wonder Place on a rainy Monday.

Down by the river.

Playing with daddy.

Found this on the way to Pinnacle Mountain.

Sophie and Presley at Senor Tequilas!

Running around at Grammy and Paw Paw's.

Family Photo #2

Getting the royal treatment from Uncle Steve.

Rock, rock.

She looks so different with her hair on top of her head.

Whipped cream from a can!


Looking guilty.


Rockin' with Poppie.

Hangin' with PawPaw.