Thursday, February 26, 2009
still a mommy-to-be
February 25 has come and gone and no Baby Wyatt. The report from Dr. Casanova is that I am dilated 2 cm and nearly 100% effaced. Patience is now a virtue I must display. I made an appointment for next Wednesday but we all have our fingers crossed that we will have our sweet baby girl in our arms before then.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
maternity leave minus a baby
Knowing that my child would certainly be on time, I began maternity leave on Monday. I woke up around 8 with a sense of guilt thinking about my former Monday morning rituals associated with being an employed woman. This feeling was quickly forgotten as I began to clean the house and watched 3 hours disappear like minutes. Tuesday was more cleaning and more vanishing hours. It's now Wednesday and I am out of scheduled things to do so I am finally relaxing and anxiously awaiting my afternoon doctor's appointment. I should ease up and take advantage of this down time before the storm that is Presley arrives.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
wishing well
The results from my doctor's appointment yesterday are in:
I am 90% effaced and 1 1/2 cm dilated. Looks like things are on track for an on time delivery. Everyone go ahead and make a little wish that she comes next week because I have already scheduled to start my maternity leave tomorrow and don't want too much idle time on my hands to sit around and worry about things. Jon will also get a few extra free days off next week since most of his coworkers will be at a conference. So find your shooting star, wishbone, whatever and let's get Baby Wyatt here!
I am 90% effaced and 1 1/2 cm dilated. Looks like things are on track for an on time delivery. Everyone go ahead and make a little wish that she comes next week because I have already scheduled to start my maternity leave tomorrow and don't want too much idle time on my hands to sit around and worry about things. Jon will also get a few extra free days off next week since most of his coworkers will be at a conference. So find your shooting star, wishbone, whatever and let's get Baby Wyatt here!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
locked and loaded
Dr. Casanova was happy to report that Baby Wyatt had dropped. I am still only about 25% effaced but hopefully now that she has dropped, things will start progressing. I still think she will hold out and be a March baby.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
some basic math
no signs of labor + one last boys trip = a great weekend for all
Since Dr. Casanova assured us that Baby Wyatt probably wouldn't be making a grand entrance anytime soon, Jon ventured with the guys to a ranch in south Texas for a bachelor party. I was all for the chance to watch girly movies in my pj's all weekend.
blind as a bat + middle-of-the-night feedings = new glasses
I bit the bullet and bought new glasses for the first time in about 6 years. Oh what a difference!
I bit the bullet and bought new glasses for the first time in about 6 years. Oh what a difference!

another craving + Sonic's Dollar Menu = slight disappointment
I have a feeling most of their $1 items are on the mini size.
birthday party + 37 weeks pregnant = no jumping allowed
My good friend Jill's son, Tyler, celebrated his 2nd birthday at Jumpin' Jungle on Friday night. I found it humorous to be told by a teenager that I was forbidden from jumping and sliding.

a quiet baby + a husband out of town = a trip to the hospital
Baby Wyatt decided to test me by becoming very inactive for a lengthy period of time this weekend. Despite my attempts to irritate her into kicking me in the ribs, she was on lock down and not move for close to 24 hours. With Jon out of town, I got a little nervous and headed up to the hospital. They monitored her for about an hour and agreed that she was being less than active, however, when they put this buzzer on my belly she reacted very quickly so that put everyone at ease. I was sent home with a clean bill of health. Here's hoping there are no more spontaneous trips to the hospital, especially when Jon is 4 hours away.
the common cold + a pregnant woman = pure misery
Oh my, I am so sick. It's very frustrating to have been in such good health thus far, only to be slammed at the end with never ending coughing and sneezing. Let's just hope I can shake this thing quickly and manage not to give it to Jon.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
the waiting game
Today was the first time Dr. Casanova checked my cervix and it's a good thing he did. How else would I have known just how close I was to not having this baby. My cervix is still closed and dilation is holding steady at zero. I can't really complain as I am still 3 weeks out, even if I did make a point to deliver retailer newsletters this morning, which required me to spend 1 1/2 hours walking around the mall. My feet are starting to swell which I can't complain about either as I have managed to avoid this ugly side of pregnancy thus far. I was the 3rd patient this afternoon to mention the swelling so at least I am not alone. I managed to put on another 3 pounds but seeing as I am sure my ankles must now weigh a pound each that is right on target. My Strep B test came back negative so at least I was able to leave the appointment with a shred of positive news.
Until next week...
Until next week...
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Dad & Mom
I twisted Jon's arm and talked him into taking some real pictures to document this special time. It won't be long until there are three of us...
Monday, February 2, 2009
a sweet shower
We had a beautiful shower in Lubbock this past weekend. Both my mom and Jon's mom made the drive down. It was a treat to intruduce them to all of our West Texas friends and I think they both enjoyed putting faces with the names of those we talk about so often.

A handmade quit from Mimi (my mom)

How big is Emily? Some folks were nicer than others :)
My attempt at drawing a baby on top of my head.Elmo is really for me. I had so much fun playing with the one belonging to my neices that my mom surprised me with my own.
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