While Jon and I were enjoying the unending buffets and picturesque views on our cruise, my mom (Mimi) and Jon's mom (Grammy) were in Lubbock taking care of Presley. I think they both would agree that it was best that the two of them came out because it's hard work keeping up with an active toddler. They all had a great time playing at the park, eating lots of ice cream and shopping. Presley is one lucky little girl.

Picking her up from PDO.

The weeping willow at the end of our street has been renamed the "tickle tree" and we have to visit it everyday when we go get the mail.
When my parents used to go away when I was little, they left me a little present each day to open so I could feel extra special. I continued the tradition and think Pres is a fan of getting daily gifts. What girl wouldn't be?!?

Apparently this Sesame Street train is a little on the annoying side. Opps!

Getting the hang of this present thing.

Spoiled rotten!

I think Winston got a little jealous.

The best part about all the presents was that they were actually pass-along gifts that another mom was getting rid of so I didn't have to spend a dime on any of them.
(Insert a shout of joy from Jon.)

Park time.

They took her out to the corn maize and she wouldn't leave the cow pen at the petting zoo. Mom said she had the most puzzled look on her face when the cow mooed.

Snow cones are the best!

Playing at the mall.


They even called Aurora one day so Pres could have her Jett fix.

Welcome home Mom & Dad.

She was watching Yo Gabba Gabba when we got home so we didn't get much attention.