Thursday, November 17, 2011

busted stuff

Presley experienced her first major injury on Monday night. I should probably not call it "major" because I am sure worse things are yet to come, but it was the first injury that required more than an ice pack and a bandaid. She was running around with Winston, slipped on the tile floor and split her chin open. Luckily the family doctor was on his way home and rescued me. We laid her out on the operating table, aka the dining room table, and slapped on a few wound closures and she was good to go. Here's to our first busted face!

1 comment:

The Cornelisons said...

Greyson split his knee open a few weeks ago and I freaked. Luckily our friend dr made the bandages work well enough to not need stitches but I felt the same way!! Worse to come :)