Thursday, December 31, 2009

Presley's First Christmas

We had such a great time celebrating Christmas through the eyes of a 10 month old. We now have a living room that resembles a toy store, and I am sure it's only going to get worse in the years to come.

Santa came early after Daddy went to Target and found something Presley just had to have.

Walking around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.

We celebrated Christmas at our house on Tuesday night since we were heading to Little Rock on Wednesday.

It took her a while to get the whole wrapping paper thing.

In the mouth...

Checking out the tent. Where are we going to put this thing?!?

Hammer time

Remember these things from your pediatrician's office?

Christmas morning at Mimi and Poppie's.

Digging through her box of toys. Mimi was so smart and opened everything the night before so we didn't have to spend 20 minutes trying to get into the super strong packaging that secures toys. That stuff is impenetrable!

After a much needed morning nap, we were ready for
Christmas at the Wyatts.

These were some Mardi Gras beads that belong to Ava and Macy that Presley couldn't get enough of.

Stocking stuffers

The Wyatt girls all in one place.

The activity table from Grammy and PawPaw. How are we going to get this home on the plane?!?

The Toy Shoppe

It's only going to get more fun in the years to come.
Merry Christmas 2009!

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