Thursday, December 23, 2010

cough, cough, sneeze, sneeze

Man-o-man, we have been one sick family lately. We all got hit with some stuff before Thanksgiving so of course I thought we were good to go for a little while. Oh no! Sadly, we all got a vicious virus again and have each been nursing it in our own ways. Jon and I lost our voices and have been going through tissues like crazy. I took Presley to the doctor on Monday and she has a bad ear infection and a nasty throat. I also went to the doctor and didn't have anything that was antibiotic worthy so it's over-the-counter for me. I took the time to disinfect every surface in the the house this morning so here's hoping we can beat this bug and be well for a while.

PS I had to go to the doctor again yesterday and finally got the prescription I wanted...for an eye infection!

Awe, Presley's first bottle of amoxicillin! I feel like we have reached a milestone.

A pharmacy? Nope, just our bathroom counter.

1 comment:

The Cornelisons said...

Right there with you girl! We can't get rid of one thing before another starts to plaque all of us. Kudos to Presley for making it this long in her life before needing the yummy pink stuff!