When Presley was born, I had no doubt that Jon was going to be an amazing father. He had already spent the last 5+ years being a wonderful husband so I knew the new role would suit him well. Over the last 2 years, I have had the absolute privilege of watching Jon evolve into an outstanding daddy. Presley worships the ground he walks on and is definitely a daddy's girl in the making. I still remember our 2nd day in the hospital as Jon exclaimed "woman!" after Presley managed to dirty her 3rd diaper in a row. Diaper changes live on but now daddy means hugger, launcher, horsey, dance partner, the list goes on and on. Jon spends countless hours a day tending to the needs of others and still manages to come home and give his all to us. He never hesitates to give me a break even though he's the one who needs the down time. As I think about adding another member to our family, I can't wait for him or her to meet the most important man in the world. There's no doubt that Presley loves her daddy and I can't think of anyone else I would want to be with on this crazy journey called parenthood.

March 2009
Do you KNOW what a total SAP I am??? Seriously, tears rolling down my face right now!
Pressley looks so cute in her daddy's shoes :)
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