Wednesday, October 19, 2011

handy halloween

Most of you know that I LOVE Halloween. I get so excited to decorate and plan our costumes. Martha Stewart is the Queen of Hallooween, and I love getting project ideas from her maganize. Last year it was newspaper bones covered in cast plaster, and this year it was plaster hands molded from my own hands. I was able to find the material to make the molds locally, which saved me tons on shipping. The stuff is as light as air but has to be temperature controlled so it was going to cost me an arm and a leg to get it. I did a couple of test molds of my thumb and then ventured to make larger molds of my hands. I am totally hooked on this stuff and wish I could make molds of everything. You have to be  pretty still for 5-8 minutes while the mold sets so getting molds of the kids is definitely out. 

 Waiting for the mold to set.

 After I pulled my hand out.

 The mold filled with plaster.

 Peeling away the mold.

The final product.


Amy said...

That is AWESOME!

Kindra said...

wow looks great emily!

The Cornelisons said...

Seriously?! You're amazing ;) My children would have been trying to eat it or something.

Unknown said...

Love this! Might need the instructions.