Wednesday, October 24, 2012

my fair lady

It's fair time in Arkansas. I have been so excited about taking Presley to the fair this year. I just knew she would love all the lights, rides, food and animals. She was not disappointed. My mom and dad joined us as we ventured out to the fairgrounds last Tuesday afternoon. We bought Presley a wristband for unlimited rides which allowed her to ride anything and everything. She had been talking about the Dumbo ride non-stop so of course that was our first selection. After a few minutes on the ride, she started to freak out a little and wanted off. All I could think of was what a waste it was to buy that wristband! She conquered her fears and spent the rest of our trip hopping from ride to ride. There were definitely some priceless faces made as she ventured down the magic carpet slide. Poor Landon spent most of the adventure in the stroller. Next year, buddy! He did enjoy the food, the monkey show and torturing the goats at the petting zoo.

 Finally got my fried cheese on a stick!

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