PACI'SIn an attempt to find a pacifier that Miss Presley would fall in love with, Mimi and I bought several varieties hoping to snag the right one. Low and behold, she treats them like the 3 other kinds we already owned. She tongues them for a bit and either starts sucking on them or spits them half-way across the room. For now, we'll just assume that she's not quite the paci type.
For my "push present", Jon bought me a necklace that will have an imprint of Presley's fingerprint on it. This is our second attempt at getting a print. Finally, we went for a toe print that will hopefully work.
After not filling her normal amount of diapers for over a day, and crying for long bouts at a time, we were worried about Presley's pipes. During the Friday morning feed, she made sure I knew she was back in working order.

Presley got her first piece of mail addressed directly to her. She is now a product of the US Government with her very own social security number. 639...
mama's PURSE
If you know me, you know I have a slight fetish for shoes and purses. After a few days of lugging around a great big purse in sync with my style and Presley's diaper bag, I realized a consolidation was in order. Since it's slightly more important for me to have a paci and a clean diaper vs lipgloss, the diaper bag won. I just have to get used to running into Wal-Mart solo carrying a diaper bag as a purse.

My intention with this photo was to get Presley to lay her feet flat on the floor and then photoshop some fingernail polish on her toes to make folks think I had my daughter's toes painted. I guess she knew better and curled her little piggies up tight. That didn't stop me and Mimi from showing off our much deserved pedi's.
Presley had her first snow when we woke up to frigged temps and blowing snow last Friday.