Here are the top 8 things I have learned in my first 8 days of motherhood...
- Waaaa means Presley is hungry, needs her diaper changed, is tired, has boogers in her nose that need to be sucked out. It's best to check them all.
- It's best to check to make sure the leg separator of the swing is not crushing your child's leg before you try and snap it closed.
- Trying to remember if I have showered and brushed my teeth are difficult things for me to recall.
- When you eat graham crackers while nursing, all of the crumbs will end up in your baby's hair and ear.
- It's best not to make fun of daddy getting peed on because it's very likely to happen to you the next time you change the diaper.
- No matter how hard I try, she will always end up with one sock on and one sock off.
- Lip blisters are very common according to a list of 12 things they don't tell you about newborn babies. I bet pediatricians appreciate the invention of the internet.
- I am really loving being a mama.
1 comment:
She's so precious! I love your blog! Maybe one of these days I'll get cool and learn the joys of a blog and how to do Face book, etc. HA! Can't wait to meet her. Glad you’re doing well.
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