Tuesday, October 19, 2010

it's time to get your crayons and your pencils

I saw this on a friends blog back in February (thanks, Alisa) and thought we would give it a go. I actually tried to do it for the 4th of July but got ice cube trays instead of cupcake tins and tried to double-boil the crayons down which resulted in melted wax splatters all over our kitchen. Needless to say, my second attempt at this was well thought out and done while Jon was out of town. I did most of the work, but Pres helped where it mattered most.

Thanks for the pumpkin mold Grammy.

Here we go!

And now for Pres! Hocus Pocus!

Keeping a close eye on things.

Yea! Pumpkin crayons for all of our friends.

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