Monday, April 18, 2011

potty camp

The Wyatt's of West Texas have survived 72 hours of potty camp. This is definitely one stage of motherhood that I would happily pass on to say a Mimi or a nanny. I give the weekend a B with only a handful of accidents and way more hits than misses. Knowing that Presley was ready for this milestone made it much easier on me to buckle down and get 'er done. I know I am going to be grateful I spent the time and effort doing this now before baby #2 arrives.

How we spent most of our weekend...


The Cornelisons said...

You are making me feel bad. I put Griffin on the potty every night before bath but we've certainly not done any type of potty camp like you!!! Good job mom ;)

Sara said...

Bwahaha, she is going to kill you for posting that picture someday!