Thursday, April 19, 2012

lost & found

I have always believed in the kindness of strangers. Today I crossed paths with a stranger who went above and beyond to return something very important to me…my cell phone. We haven’t had a home phone for years and rely on our cell phones for everything. This morning as I was getting the car loaded up to take Presley to school, I placed my cell phone and some money on top of my car. Being in typical spastic mommy mode, I didn’t even realize I failed to retrieve these items before speeding off to my destination.  I didn’t notice I was missing my phone until several hours later. I placed a call to the preschool and was waiting to hear back from them so I hadn’t really started to panic yet. I headed to lunch with my mom when I realized the cell phone was accompanied by $60 in cash.  Once I put the two items together, I was at a loss as to where they could be. After confirmation from the school that my phone was not in Presley’s backpack and had not been found by maintenance, I started to get a little worried. After putting Landon down for a nap, my mom got a call from Jon who had the name a number of a woman who had found my phone. Here’s where the above and beyond part comes in…the woman found my phone in several pieces laying in the middle of the street about a block from our house. The money was scattered around the street as well. The woman put my phone back together, called several numbers in the phone until she got a hold of my brother-n-law, who got in touch with Jon. After speaking with her myself, she happily walked the phone and money up to our house and accepted no reward in return. We live in a crazy world, but every once in a while life can surprise us. Today my surprise came in the form of a stranger who is no longer a stranger, but Denise who lives down the block from me and goes above and beyond to return lost cell phones.

1 comment:

The Cornelisons said...

Hehe, I just posted about the kindness of neighbors and friends. It's so refreshing to know there are still some good people in this world!!!! (I say this after being cussed out by some kids when I wouldn't give them cash for their basketball team while standing on the corner down at the river market - and I do mean kids, they couldn't have been over 10 years old and did not understand why I had no cash)