Sunday, November 11, 2012

color my world

After the sloppy good time I had at the Mud Run (see November 1 post), I was more than game for a dryer, yet equally as fun run. My friend Sarah told me about "The Color Run" and we signed up right away. It's a non-timed run that includes 4 color stations along a 5K route. You are encouraged to wear white clothing so you can truly appreciate the effects of the color. The race starts and around the 3/4 mile mark you are hit with your first color. We had no idea what to expect of dyed cornstarch being thrown at us and some "color throwers" were more gentle than others (see "orange" below). At the end of the race, the finishers gather together and have a color throw that involves everyone throwing a packet of color into the air. It definitely lived up to it's claim as being the "Happiest 5K on the planet"!

So fresh and so clean...for now.




Sarah opted to go in solo so I could get a few action shots...

Not the best idea. All the color throwers are aiming for the same target!


You've got a little color right there.

The group color throw.
The only bad part, other than temporarily suffocating in a cloud of corn starch, was that all the colors mixed together and everyone turned a weird blue/brown color.

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