Wednesday, October 8, 2008

tick, tick, tick

No, I am not talking about the little critters you have to hunt for after a weekend in the woods or that ridiculous Brad Paisley song Jon loves. Rather, I am referring to the creeping of time before my ultrasound next Wednesday. It feels like it's never going to get here. You would think after waiting 19 weeks I could muster up a little patience but I am finding it very difficult to accept that I still have 7 days until we find out the illusive sex of Baby Wyatt. Oh how a mother yearns to be able to use the pronoun "he" and "she" instead of "it". Is this truly one of the few times a pregnant woman wishes for time to pass by quickly? I have obviously not experienced the 3rd trimester or child birth!

1 comment:

The Cornelisons said...

Call and bump up your appointment :) Mine was scheduled for a Monday and about a week out I called to see if there were any cancellations and then got in several days before!