Jon is in Gainsville, FL this week attending a conference so here is what the girls have been up to...

This is The MAiZe. It's a big field of corn that gets cut into a different maze every year. I visited it our first year in Lubbock but was with a few little ones who really weren't into wandering around in corn that was 3x's as tall as they were. I vowed to return but haven't been able to convince Jon of it's potential coolness. So, I drug another victim, Shelbi, out there solely for my own entertainment. We picked to follow the clues about Music and Movies and completed the maze in 35 minutes after taking at least a dozen wrong turns. I bet it's fun for the guys who sit up in the towers to watch people act like mice hunting for a hunk of cheese.

Here are a few of my most recent Martha Stewart moments. The cheesecake has 4 blocks of cream cheese in it! I was given permission for 25 pounds not 65! I love carving pumpkins but was cut off last year by my less than enthused husband. I tackled a small one on my own and was slightly disappointed that my holes were a little big for my mice. Martha always does it better which is probably why this pumpkin was on the msn homepage this morning.

The remaining man of the house was very pleased to find peanut butter smeared inside of his new kong. Ahhh, the simple pleasures in life.

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