Tuesday, May 24, 2011

the days of our lives

To say that we have a lot going on would be an understatement. I continue to pray that our house here in Lubbock will sell so we don't have the burden of two house payments on our hands. We knew life would be hurry up and wait come this time but as each day passes, I get more and more anxious about the events of the next 2 months. All that anxiety has translated into me developing shingles. I woke up Saturday morning with a small rash on the lower part of my back. Jon's first guess was shingles but he quickly recanted his statement when he saw how upset I got. I confirmed the diagnosis with a friend who is a P.A. and began an antiviral medication. It really wasn't a big deal the first few days but now on day 4 it burns and itches. I am hoping that it will run it's course quickly and I can get back to normal. This too shall pass...

In the meantime, we are quickly approaching major event #1...graduation! Come June 17, Jon will officially be a graduate of the Texas Tech Department of Orthopedic Surgery (or something like that). I am so proud of him. He took his last call last night and won't have another one until he goes into practice next August. He has worked so hard to get here and I hope he can pat himself on the back for all he has accomplished.


The Cornelisons said...

Oh girl, I got shingles right before getting married!!! I'd hate to be pregnant and dealing with that - stop stressing right now!!!! Deep breaths ;) It'll be ok and all work out. Just look at how far Jon has come ;)

Unknown said...

Well now that Jon isn't on call for awhile he can work on getting you less stressed! Tell him congratulations!