As our time in Lubbock draws to a close, I wanted to take the opportunity to recognize someone who will make leaving that much harder. For the most part, my closest friends are those from high school and college. We are all separated by miles and miles now so I thought it was probably time to get a good friend closer to home. Finding a friend like that isn't exactly scientific and most of the time just happens. For me, this special friend to came along after the birth of Presley. Enter Aurora. We meet one morning at StrollerFit and my first impression was that she was loud, energetic, and when she asked to hold Presley after only knowing me for one day, a little ballsy. All these quirky things would quickly lead us to develop an amazing friendship. We soon became inseparable and everyone who interacted with us thought we had been friends for years. Her son, Jett is a few months older than Presley so it's been nice to have someone guide me on this journey of motherhood. I can't imagine surviving the last two years without her and am a little bummed we didn't know each other B.C. (before children). God definitely knew what he was doing when he sent me Aurora. She has been a constant support for me and we are two peas in a pod. Our husbands both work long hours so I joked that she and I should move in together and let the boys live together. Chocolate bunt cake and reality TV every night! It breaks my heart that Jett and Pres probably won't remember being friends. As I prepare to have another friend separated by miles, I am grateful for the time Aurora and I have had learning and growing, changing our hair color, crafting inside jokes and becoming the best of friends.

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