Sunday, September 2, 2012

30 days of pins: day 2


Since returning to Little Rock, I have been fondly remembering our time spent in Lubbock and Albuquerque. I have been wanting to do something that would pay homage to these places, as well as our old and new home in Little Rock.

The credit:

The process:
Jon had an old atlas in his car so I snagged it and easily traced the outline of each state on the maps. I opted for a shadow box since I already owned one.

The change:
Aside from using a shadow box rather than a frame, I made no changes.

The checkbook:
The 2010 atlas and the shadow box were already in my possession so this project cost me a big, fat $0.

The bottom line:
It's a cute idea that will be a unique addition to our home decor.

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