Sunday, September 23, 2012

30 days of pinterest: day 23


I am always on the look out for hair straps to keep my unruly hair out of my face and this one looked like a good one to try.

The credit:

The process:
Before I discovered Pinterest, I gave away gobs of old clothes and now find myself having to buy t-shirts and sweaters to do all my crafts. Go figure! I had some extra jersey fabric and decided to use it instead of trying to hunt down a t-shirt worth shredding. I followed the instructions and in less than 5 minutes had myself a spiffy new hair strap. I didn't quite understand how to tie off the ends. The first time I tried a basic square knot and cut off the ends, it came undone when I stretched the band really far. On my second attempt, I left the strands after tying the knot just in case it decided to slip.

The change:
If you count using the jersey fabric instead of an old t-shirt a change, than that's the only change that I made.

The checkbook:
Another $0 project.

The bottom line:
I like this upcycle/recycle idea and will keep an eye out for old t-shirts to make some more.

1 comment:

The Cornelisons said...

I'm tired just from reading about all of your craftiness!! The headband thing is awesome, I need to try this one out. I have such crazy hair after having kiddos that ponytails just can't seem to grab it all now.